
Unlike every girl her age
She hated games at school
They called her fat and blown up
Or a very silly fool.

She hid herself at lunch time
And ate her cold egg rolls
They often sprayed some water
If she crossed their lazy stroll

She came home with ink spots
On her only pleated skirt
She scrubbed and rubbed at them
They stayed on like stubborn dirt

The giggles would often haunt her
Way into the night
When she cried into her pillow
Dreading the signs of light.

She came up with excuses
A different ache everyday
Until a teacher found out
The reason for her dismay

Bullying isn’t funny
It scars someone for life
They take ages to recover
Or sometimes take their life

If the cruel things that they did
They’d have replaced with smiles and cheers
They’d have made a friend forever
Someone who’d hold them dear.

Picture Courtesy: grow.ie 


Dedication:to every victim of bullying, young and old- you are not alone. 🙂

Solitary Dreamer

I missed you at the parents’ meet
when beside me was an empty seat

Our son you have left behind
For me to love & in who to find
your smile, your eyes and your sharp mind
I pray he grows to be just as kind.

Raising a kid on my own
Is the hardest thing I have known
I cannot afford to cry and moan
Till he’s tall, strong and grown

Must find a way to rein in the tears
So stay close by to hear my fears
I’ll tell him some of daddy’s tales
And sing our song when all else fails

When you see that I’m gonna slip
Send a sign or a tip
Keep an eye as he grows
I can’t always be on my toes

We miss you a lot around the house
Be it fixing dinner or stringing the blouse
I miss the way you tuck a strand
Behind my ear with your hand

If only we could will a change
If only fate could be rearranged

We promise you will never be lost
Always staying in our thoughts.


Picture Courtesy: Helga and bear