In the dressing room

” Sale !!”  There’s something about this word displayed in big red letters on a billboard that makes us happy and excited. Apart from the fact we think we’re getting something at a reasonable rate ( which isn’t always the case, as I’ve learned) , it gives us an excuse to rummage through the clothes at the stores, without feeling guilty.

So, I turned up with family at a store I wouldn’t dare go to, if it weren’t for the tempting word. AGAIN !! It was my 4th trip in a month and I was beginning to feel conscious of the fact that the salesman was beginning to smile at me. Not the usual, ” be nice to customers” smile. The ‘ ahhh…I know you! ” smile. For someone who dislikes people in general, it was creepy.

So dad picked out some trousers for myself and my little brother. It so happens, that this store has just one dressing room. Considering the price tags they display, I was surprised they even had ONE. We both wanted to try on the new clothes and he raced me to it.

He let me in too though. As we pulled and pushed the trousers on, and examined ourselves on the full length mirrors, mom and dad wanted to peak and see the fit. So we let them in too. Then came a flood of opinions, complaints, likes dislikes and i don’t remember what not.

4 people in 1 dressing room. Those 10 minutes in there, felt like an hour. A happy hour . I realized something I’d never really given much thought to. How little time we spend together, in animated conversation. How little time we spend with family, actually talking and without our eyes glued to a screen. How the little things in everyday life, can open up our minds ( and pens ) to thought and reflection.

The dressing room. My house will certainly have one of those.

Photo courtesy:

© Krisheaven