Breaking more than ice

To people across the world,

We may have a culture and a heritage that’s very family centered. Accepted. But that does not give u the right to give unsolicited opinions and advice to people on how you think they should live their lives. Your life is your journey, your story. It is the sum total of all the choices you made or didn’t make. Nothing more. Nothing less.

To those of you who say we’re part of a society and need to abide by it, here’s my take. Society is nothing but a group of people, with a common geographical area, political system and a dominant cultural expectation. ‘Dominant’. That’s the word.
Dominant does not mean there are no other views or expectations. It’s only a reference to majority . So , when the minority rise in number, they make up a semi society within the dominant one. They have the same general structure, with a few details changed.THEY TOO HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST!!!
Sometimes, we have a nasty habit of rejecting anything that’s not mainstream. Stop !!
You wouldn’t have the life that you have today, if it weren’t for a few “FREAKS”, who thought change was possible. They hold the key to the future. They hold the power of CHANGE. Change is everything.
It’s debatable if change is for the good or the bad. But like someone said, “If you’re making mistakes, it means you’re out there doing something.”
So stop giving lectures, on what society expects of us. The only thing we expect from society is to let us live in peace,and to our own terms. Peaceful coexistence.
Even animals understand that basic concept ! Think it’s time we at least tried !?
© krisheaven