A tribute

To the unsung prince of the world’s greatest dynasty,

Denied the love of an exemplary mother, fate played it’s very first dice.

Though loved and cherished by wonderful parents,

his heart yearned for something it knew not but felt he deserved.

Unaware of his rightful being, he wandered in search of his own true self.

His desire to excel at a gift of birth, when thwarted and stifled by his very own, broke his heart.

A life of ridicule he lived, for desiring a life he truly deserved.

A life of pain he lived, despite being born heavenly and royal.

The desire to grow kept him going.

His convictions became stronger and determination set in stone.

The courage to face all adversity, is his crowning jewel.

A sense of justice he always had.

Magnanimity he was.

His sense of duty and loyalty, epitomes of friendship.

His valor knew no bounds

His fervor knew no heights

But a good man , on the unfortunate side, of an unfair system, has his flaws.

Life does not offer retakes,

And so he paid the price for his mistakes.

His name is Radhae Karna,

And he continues to rule many a hearts.

Photo courtesy: Star Plus

© krisheaven