A walk through the woods

Two souls in the woods,

on and on they walked.

Stories and life they shared,

burdens reduced by blocks.

When came  a fork through the woods,

A choice they had to make.

Together or apart to walk,

both their futures at stake.

She thought about what to do,

But he’d made up his mind.

This walk wouldn’t have been the same,

without her by his side.

So he caught her hand and strode ahead,

without any further thought,

For what was to come would surely do,

without any trace of doubt.


PS: This piece was composed in less than an hour, after I found my friend’s display picture very interesting. This is dedicated to you, Farsi  :*

Picture Courtesy: My dearest friend, who generously let me use the picture from the Amsterdam holiday. Love you !!! 🙂


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