Price of Fame

As we race to make a living

I take a moment out

to stand back and reflect

on what we’re missing out.


As awards and mementos

line the bedroom wall

I realize that we haven’t

really used the room at all


I can’t recall the last time

we fought and pulled the sheets

Or dipped into some spices

at a chilled retreat


Fame and fortune blind us

as we struggle through the day

The bonds that tightly bind us

hope they shall not stray.


The joy of being together

sharing our sweet lives

can surely be kept stronger

with a little bit of strive.


Promotions and appraisals

Hikes and perks will flow

But without each other to enjoy them

Our faces will not glow.


Dedication: To the couple who make time for it all, my dearest Mr& Mrs.Sharma. Stay strong. Love you lots. :*

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